Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Final Shorter Version free essay sample
The kindness of God versus the love of God 10 Conclusion 1 1 Bibliography 12 Introduction Clive Staples Lewis was born November 29th, 1898 in Belfast, Ireland and died in Oxford, England on November 12th, 1963. Commonly known as C. S. Lewis, he is remembered mostly by his fictional and nonfunctional writings. Sews was deeply bothered by the prevalence of pain in the world because it did not reflect a loving God. This issue has raised questions challenging the belief and existence of a loving God that would allow this dilemma to exist. Lewis used his accounts with pain and argued the quandary defending the existence of God.C. S. Lewis wrote the book The Problem of Pain in 1940 in an effort to understand and explain how a good and loving God could allow pain and suffering to be endured by His creation. Lewis states: If God were good, He would wish to make His creatures perfectly happy, and if God were almighty He would be able to do what He wished. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Shorter Version or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God lacks either goodness, or power, or both. This is the problem of pain in its simplest form. L The main purpose of this paper is to explain why a good and loving God allows pain and suffering to exist in the lives of Christians.Additionally, this paper will also discuss how people use pain as an objection to creation by a loving and all-powerful God. Next, this paper will explain why pain and suffering are beneficial in the lives Of Christians. Finally, if God is good, why does He not free Christians from suffering when they ask Him to? Pain as an objection to creation Pain and suffering are unavoidable and have tormented the world since the fall of man. The desire to avoid pain is a natural reaction of humans because it will cause hurt either physically or emotionally. People wonder why a good ND all powerful God allows Creation to suffer and not free them from it.They also argue that if God is omnipotent, He can liberate this world from pain. C. S Lewis wrote, If the universe is so bad, or even half so bad, how on earth did human beings ever come to attribute it to the activity of a wise and good The Bible says that in the beginning God created everything good. In fact, Genesis 1:31 confirms that . God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! 3 People may not agree with the concept of creation, but they can all agree that everything created in Genesis does exist and are good as the Bible says they are. Light, the ocean, trees and plants are good, coordinated, and interdependent, not corrupt and evil. God also created man and woman with the innate ability of free will, to choose to obey God or not. In order to use this ability, God gave them one rule, not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were banished from the Garden of Eden. The curse of sin entered the world through this wrongful use of freewill. All sin will carry with it pain and suffering. God said to Eve that He would sharpen her childbearing main and to Adam that he would have to struggle and sweat in order to eat. Suffering and pain emanate from the wrong choices that humanity makes. Choosing to disobey God is to choose sin and evil over the love and righteousness of our creator. Pain as a result of freewill God gave Adam and Eve freewill, to choose to obey or disobey God. Lewis wrote, God created things which had free will. That means creatures which can go either wrong or right Why, then, did God give them free will? Because free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having.Humans, spend their lives making decisions that impact others in some way or form, whether positively or negatively. Icon explains that Lewis felt that the majority of our pain comes from the people around us; thus, it is important to understand the reason of eye treat each other so badly. 6 Christianity agrees that the root of suffering comes from choosing to disobey God. Neither freewill nor God are to blame for the suffering in the world. The love for worldly things, the selfish desire of the flesh and the lies of the devil are ever so present in the lives of humans, tempting them to disobey God.Still, the question as to why an all-powerful God does not remove suffering is unanswered. In order for suffering not to exist, He would need to remove freewill. Lewis explains, Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence of freewill involve, and you find that you have excluded life itself. 7 God cannot remove freewill, because in doing so, He would eliminate mans capability to choose right or wrong love or hate, or choosing God or evil. Also, as Lewis states, removing freewill, in turn, will remove the existence of humanity. Gods omnipotenceNothing demonstrates Gods omnipotence as evidently as His actions in creation. Genesis 1 describes how God orchestrated the creation of the world by speaking it into existence. Job recognized His omnipotence when he said, l know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you. 8 God created the universe and everything in it out of nothing; therefore, He is greater than creation, thus making Him all powerful. In the chapter, Divine Omnipotence, Lewis explains that omnipotence does not mean the power to do nonsense. 9 In other words, God cannot create a rock too big for Him to lift or a problem too hard to solve.He cannot love and hate humans at the same time. For Him to attempt to create or perform, something that goes against His nature is fundamentally impossible. Harmon explains this using the law of non-contradiction, which means that God cannot grant freewill and not grant freewill at the same time. 10 Though God is omnipotent, His inability to contradict Himself is His choice. Lewis also explains the freedom God has to choose His actions are driven by Himself and no external obstacle can impede them. 11 No external factors that can persuade Gods actions due to His perfect ways.God is also omniscient which allows Him to know how His actions will affect the lives of Christians. Knowing that there is a purpose and meaning behind every decision He makes will provide a better understanding as to why He allows pain and suffering. Hence, pain and suffering are useful for God to achieve His purpose. Pain is necessary in the lives of Christians Humanity instinctively avoids pain and suffering. All humans suffer pain, including Christians. The book of Job demonstrates how an upright man who follows Gods commands, lost all material possessions, family, and his health. Joking at the example of Job, it is clear that following God and His amendments cannot deliver Christians from trials and painful situations. It is hard to accept that there is a good side to pain, but Christianity looks at pain and suffering differently. Lewis explains that God whispers to His followers when everything is going well in life, but He shouts through pain: it is His megaphone to get our attention. 12 Christians would agree that pain is not their preferred method of communication, but in a hectic world with so many distractions, the all-knowing God uses pain as a last resort.The arrival of pain in our lives guides our attention back to God. Christians find peppiness in pleasing and engaging God, but when the demands of the flesh become their focus, then their joy becomes pleasing themselves. However, pain not only brings the attention of Believers back to Him, it also allows Him to reveal His power, love and glory. In 1 Peter 4:13, Peter encourages Chrisms followers to rejoice in their trials and sufferings for they will bring joy when His glory is revealed to the world. 13 Job remained faithful to God while enduring his sufferings.The same God, who allowed Job to suffer, is the same one who blessed him with a double portion of what he had. He was always there, but Gods infinite wisdom allowed all the sufferings Job endured for His reasons and His purpose. Pain promotes spiritual growth As discussed earlier, God can use pain to redirect the attention of believers back to Him when they loose focus of Him. Another way God uses pain is to promote spiritual growth by testing their faith and love for Him. In Christianity, spiritual growth is not an option; it becomes a part of life.Lewis wrote, That is why we must not be surprised if we are in for a rough time. 14 He continues to explain that when trouble comes, either in the form of illness, uncial struggles, or temptations that go against God, it is because God is moving them to a higher level to develop more patience, more love, or more faith in Him. 1 Peter says: These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold-?though your faith is far more precious than mere gold.So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. 15 Through trials and tribulations God will shape and mold the lives of Christians o grow closer to Him and become perfect in the Fathers eyes. Another way to view spiritual growth resulting from pain is to view it like growing pains in children. Followers of Christ will endure spiritual growing pains that will stretch their love and faith in Christ. Therefore, pain and suffering will be present in their lives until God finishes the work He intended for their lives.Lewis explains this further by saying that the moment Christians place themselves in Gods hands, He will make them perfect and whatever the suffering may cost, He will not rest until the work is done. 16 CSS Lewis experiences with pain Lewis endured pain and sorrow throughout most of his life. His first encounter with suffering was the death of his mother when he was only nine years old. Later that same year, his grandfather died. He also dealt with anguish during the war and then suffered the agonizing death of his wife Joy.In his book A Grief Observed, which was written after his wife passed away, Lewis discusses how he began to question the love of God, including Gods ability to listen to prayers. He shares in chapter one how he felt God was not present during his time of mourning for his wife. He wrote, But go to Him hen your need is desperate, when all other help is vain, and what do you find? A door slammed in your face, and a sound of bolting and double bolting on the inside. After that, silence1 7 Lewis describes in detail his loneliness and compares it to the loneliness felt by Jesus on the cross when He asked God why He forsook Him.Even though pain challenged Lewis belief in God, he never lost his faith in Him. He wrote, The conclusion I dread is not So theres no God after all, but So this is what God is really like. Deceive yourself no longer. 18 Experiences of mourning and suffering like the ones Lewis endured can challenge a Christians foundation of faith in God. The will of God Followers of Christ believe in the perfect will of God, because, due to His omniscience He knows what to take to achieve His plans in the lives of Christians.Lewis states, Gods will is determined by His wisdom which always perceives, and His goodness which always embraces, the intrinsically good. 1 9 Gods will cannot be explained in the human context, but His actions are always for the good, even if it causes pain. God allowed Josephs brothers to turn on him in order to bring his family to Egypt, which blessed and formed onto a great nation. God also allowed Paul to endure great sufferings throughout his life, which led him to preach the Gospel to non-Jewish people. Gods permissive will allows for events to occur in the lives of Christians to accomplish His perfect will for His purposes.Saving the spirit of humans is Gods ultimate concern due to His love for them, hence the reason Jesus died on the cross. The Bible states, So we dont look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. 20 Christians believe and recognize that their sufferings are temporary; therefore they understand the promise of spending eternity in heaven with God. God desires for the world to know Him and give Him the glory that He alone deserves.Hence the reason why followers of Christ focus on spreading the Gospel around the world, even if it is painful. Jesus endured sufferings by spreading the true Word of God. Consequently, Christians, like missionaries, endure pain and suffering willingly, to spread the Good News around the world, without regard of the cost to their lives. Pain felt when God does not answer prayers As discussed earlier, God is all powerful and all knowing. Christians bring forth their petitions to God due to their belief that only He can answer their requests.Since God is all knowing, He understands how the answer to such prayers will impact the live of the petitioner. Therefore, when God does not answer the petitions of Christians, there is unhappiness and at times pain. Icon states that after Lewis the experiences of his mothers and grandfathers death, . . Combined with his fathers changed manner, caused the boy to experience pessimism and depression; he was also bitter about he unanswered prayers for his mothers recovery. 21 Lewis unanswered prayer brought pain and suffering. Christians experience the same pain when prayers for the recovery of a loved one are unanswered.Gods will and purpose for the life of His followers is beyond any pain felt in their lives. Unanswered prayers can also challenge the faith and belief in prayer. Christians can pray for specific requests believing God will grant what they request, which they believe is good for their lives. Lewis writes, If the thing he prays for doesnt happen, then that is one more proof that petitioners racers dont work; if it does happen, he will, of course, be able to see some physical causes which led up to it, therefore it would have happened anyway, and thus a granted prayer becomes just as good a proof as a denied one that prayers are ineffective. 2 An unanswered prayer can test a believer to think that prayers are ineffective. Although, Christians find assurance in the Bible where it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is Gods will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 23 Believers recognize that an unanswered prayer can hurt, but they know that it s Gods will and they should rejoice in all situations. Paul said, Thats why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when am weak, then am strong. 24 Paul understands that during his weakness, he is strong because God provides him the strength to endure sufferings. The kindness of God versus the love of God The Bible establishes God is love. Humanity believes that God is kind and good; therefore, they cant understand why there is suffering in the world. There is a misconception between Gods kindness or goodness and Gods eve. Lewis explains this when he wrote, By goodness of God we mean nowadays almost exclusively His lovingness; and in this we may be right.And by Love, in this context, most of us mean kindness the desire to see others than the self happy; not happy in this way or in that, but just happy. 25 Christianity looks at God as a kind and loving God, both views are correct, but there is a difference between the two. For example, parents love their children and are good to them, but when the child wants something the parent does not believe they should have, for his well being, the child is no longer happy. Gods love is no different. He listens to the petitions of the heart, but He decides what to grant for the well being of the spirit.Harmon writes, Lewis insists that the idea God has for goodness is different from ours, in that it is far better and greater, but not too different. 26 Kindness and love are both very similar. The difference is that kindness temporarily pleases without regards to the future and love demands correction to build a solid foundation for the future. Lewis says love is more stern and splendid than mere kindness. 27 Understanding this misconception between Gods undines and Gods love is important to better understand some of the reasons why God allows pain.His love for humanity goes beyond suffering and pain. Jesus said, it is better to enter heaven missing a body part, than for the entire body to spend eternity in heehaw Conclusion Pain and suffering are evident in the lives of Christians and non-Christians alike. God cannot remove pain from this world, because in doing so He would have to remove human kind. That is not to say that human kind is pain, but that their actions, due to freewill, can inflict pain and suffering on those around them. Although pain exists, it cannot disprove Gods ability to love and be all-powerful. Pain itself is not evil. It was discussed that God uses pain and suffering to redirect the attention of humanity in His direction. His omniscience allows Him to use pain to mold His followers into vessels for His use, thus reflecting His love and glory. Self-surrender to Gods perfect will is painful due to the selfish nature of humans, however, this is necessary to enjoy the comfort and love God provides during painful situations. Pain as a result of self-surrender to God allows for spiritual growth in the Father, ringing His creation closer to Him, which is ultimately His purpose.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Outkast essays
Outkast essays Stankonia vs. The Love Below/Speakerboxx Dalton Higgins, from the, wrote an article on the rap group Oukasts differing styles between two of their albums. Outkast is one of the biggest and most influential hip-hop groups of todays era. The group feature two members: Andre and Big Boi. Their first album titled southernplayalisticadillacmuzik came out in 1994 and they have not looked back. Since that time Outkast has produced 4 more albums: Atliens, Aquemini, Stankonia, and their most recent and most popular The Love Below/Speakerboxx. In 2000, when they came out with Stankonia, Outkast had a sound full of clever rap beats and smooth melodic lyrics that could not be matched. However in this year, 2004, Outkast decided to experiment. Both Andre and Big Boi decided to create their own CDs and put them together in one package. Andres CD was called The Love Below and Andres CD was called Speakerboxx. While both CDs were quite different in style, they came together to make one of the best selling CDs of all time. The style differences between Stankonia and The Love Below/Speakerboxx are very hard to ignore. When Outkast came out with Stankonia they produced an album that was strictly rap and hip-hop. It was a record that was full of hard-hitting gangster beats and rhythms. The lyrics, while beautiful, were not meant to connect with mainstream America. Stankonia fit the genre of being just another rap album, yet something was different; it seemed to rise above all other rap albums to create a special sound. After 2000, it became obvious that Outkast would not fall in to the bottomless pit that is pop music. In 2004, Outkast did a complete 180 and created The Love Below/Speakerboxx. Never has one rap group d ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 86
Summary - Essay Example Therefore, President John Tyler who supported seizure was defeated by congressional northern and some member of the south (Kubiaks 1). The other obstacle to seizure was Mexico insistence that Texas was part of its territory. Upon nomination of James K. Polk, there was the restoration of the annexation call. He asserted all the Oren territory belonged to the American people. He convinced the northern that annexation would be beneficial to them all. After the election, the boundary that existed between Washington state and British Columbia was recognized (Kubiaks 1). This was done without war, and hence the northerners were convinced that this policy cared more about southern expansion at the expense of north (Kubiaks 1). However, Polk did not surrender to Mexican demand. This led to war, and he ended up winning all the territory he had offered to purchase from the Mexican. During the war, he sent troops into the disputed area of Rio Grande (Kubiaks 1). The Mexican at the same time sen t troops that led to skirmishes of 1846. America suffered a numbered of causalities, and this forced congress declaration of war. The war was fought from three different fronts. This led to Mexico losing Texas, California, New Mexico, and some parts of Northern Mexico (Kubiaks 1). The Mexican government was ineffective, and the command was divided while American had better arms with complete command. After this war, there was signing of the treaty of Hildago in 1848 (Kubiaks 1). In this treaty, Texas was ceded, California, and New Mexico to United States (Kubiaks 1). The united stats agreed to pay $15 million. The present day Texas was born. The joining of Texas had a noticeable impact on the southwest development. There was a steady increase in the number of migrants. There was also an influx of educated artisans and businesspersons. With such influx, there was established
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Fireworks combine art and science. Discuss the chemistry behind Essay - 1
Fireworks combine art and science. Discuss the chemistry behind firework colors, including the mechanisms of color production - Essay Example 111). The production of basic firework entails one to have four chemical agents essential in the formation of the entire complex reaction. These reagents or requirements include reducing agents, oxidizers, binders, coloring agents and regulators whereby the latter undertakes the role of controlling heat (Ochiai, 2011). Binders in the production of fireworks ensure each reagent is in its place for various chemical reactions to take place as necessitated, hence produce the required color displays. Oxidizers in this reaction serve the purpose of availing the required oxygen essential for the combustion process (Ochiai, 2011). These oxidizing agents include nitrates, chlorates and perchlorates (Ochiai, 2011). However, their extent of releasing respective oxygen atoms varies greatly during the entire and complex reaction process. Key oxidation reactions resulting from these processes include, Upon the release of O2 in the atmosphere, it encounters with S and C, which act as reducing agents producing their respective gaseous oxides as well as heat. Produced heat in this case increases explosive power of the entire combustion process. Color production during fireworks comprises of two mechanisms, which are Incandescence and Luminescence (Helmenstine, n.d). In the initial mechanism, it refers to a light produced by heat changing into varied colors based on different temperatures that increase with heating. Successive colors produced by this light include infrared, red, orange, yellow and finally white though under effective regulation one can attain his or her distinct color (Helmenstine, n.d). In addition, one can utilize selected metal elements to increase the brightness of a firework, for instance AL, Ti and Mg commonly known to burn brightly at high temperatures (Helmenstine, n.d). Conversely, Luminescence refers to a light produced by external sources mostly
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Analyze the causes of the obesity epidemic affecting Americans Essay
Analyze the causes of the obesity epidemic affecting Americans children - Essay Example Obesity affects not only adults, but also children and youth. It has become a serious health problem and has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. More than this, it is threatening to become a global epidemic. There are four main factors that can cause obesity: the environment, a personââ¬â¢s eating habits, physical activity, and genetics. First of all, the environment plays the most important role in obesity. In the current environment of the United States, American children have access to unhealthy foods throughout schools and society in general. American children spend most of their time at school. Because they are there for so long, they need to have meals, drinks, and snacks there. However, most schools in the United States provide a great deal of unhealthy foods such as fried foods, hamburgers, and sugary drinks through vending machines, the school cafeteria, at fundraising events, and at sporting events. In contrast, there is a lack of healthy food choices such as vegetables and fresh fruit. Children who are always eating unhealthy food may gain body fat more easily, and this increases calories, which leads to obesity. Moreover, in society, fast food restaurants exist almost everywhere. The typical boulevard has at least four fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, and Jack in the Box. Among these fast food restaurants, McDonald is the most popular. The documentary Super Size Me states that ââ¬Å"McDonaldââ¬â¢s represents around 43 percent of the American fast food market.â⬠In addition, there are many fast food restaurants that are located close to high schools and colleges. The reason is that it is convenient for students to have their lunch nearby their place of study. Furthermore, advertising is also an environmental factor that may lead to greater obesity. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation released a study in 2007 stating that, ââ¬Å"many food companies
Friday, November 15, 2019
Creativity And Imagination In Arts
Creativity And Imagination In Arts Three Little Pigs was chosen because children are familiar with the classic story. It is engaging for both girls and boys and allows a strong context for a range of arts activities in drama, puppetry, musical movement as well as a small world play of a series of arts activities. Activities are planned for five-year-old children as children by age 5 would have attained the basic developmental milestones of language development (Conti-Ramsden Durkin, 2011). The story of Three Little Pigs has patterns of structure. The first little pig met a man carrying straw and built his house with straw. The second little pig met a man carrying sticks and built his house with sticks. The third little pig met a man with bricks and built his house with bricks. A wolf came and said the line Little pig, little pig, let me in three times. The wolf huffed and puffed three times. The story carries repetitive catchy phrases, Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! Ill huff and Ill puff and Ill blow your house down! So the wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down! The moral of the story teaches children not to open door to strangers and let strangers in. The Three Little Pigs is told through dramatization and role-play using finger puppets, props and tone of voice. This paper highlights the aims and values of the activities and explains how learning is being structured and the skills that can be developed in drama. Creativity and Imagination in Arts Education We live in a culture where children are raised with passive life experiences. Their toys are highly functional and commercially constructed. But children are by nature imaginative and curious. Their imagination and creation are not nurtured and developed. Childrens play is losing significance to paper and pencil type of education that adults have come to view as important (Hendy Toon, 2001). Society needs people who are creative and imaginative to enable problem solving and make connections. Society then has to start with its youngest members to encourage their creativity and imagination. Children should be motivated and given opportunities to express their creativity. Society needs to nurture children to think creatively, play with ideas and materials, deal with changes and the unexpected, respond to such changes, take risks, learn empathy and be sociable. Creativity and imagination make us human (Duffy, 1998). Adult attitude is important in promoting creativity and imagination. Such attitudes create the right emotional environment. Equally important are physical settings and time set aside to allow opportunities for creativity and imagination (Duffy, 1998). Arts and the curriculum The arts have long been associated with a private experience of feeling good, living in a dream world, and an escape from reality. Swanwick (1988) argues that we become more conscious through the arts. Teaching the arts well promotes development in other learning areas. In drama there is physical education and language development. Music has its own vocabulary as in tempo, pulse and dynamics. Drawing is about line, texture and shape. If the arts can become part of the curriculum children have learning opportunities for personal and social-emotional development (Arts in Schools Project, 1990). According to Swanwick (1988) the arts are naturally playful and playfulness is an important part of being human. Children play. Play is what children do. In play, there are elements which promote learning through the arts. Children gain mastery of skills, enhanced their imitation and are engaged in imaginative play. Drama When young children engage in dramatic play, they take on a different identity and manipulate the character. They develop their ability to understand and make sense of the world around them by making connections (Hendy Toon, 2001). Games are adapted to the Three Little Pigs. Children listen to the name called for straw, stick, brick and house. They are told rules of the games. Children play and learn to play by the rules. When children are invited to make images from the story with their body and facial expression they step into the role of the character. They imitate the teacher in role and friends or stretch their creativity and imagination with their own body movement and facial expression. The other children in the circle make sound effects with their vocals. The simple act of dramatization allows children to master the skills of speaking to sound like another self. They learn to take turns and respect the others voice and body movement. Together and being together children make dramatic meaning (Swanwick, 1998). The teacher uses another approach of dramatization by getting children to make music and use instruments for making sound effects. Music is incorporated in the drama play. With the teachers guidance children experiment with the musical instruments until they get the sound that makes one think of the wolf blowing down the houses. For a different outcome, the teacher in role selects the instruments and guides children to listen to the tempo and act out the mood of the scene of the wolf puffing, huffing and blowing down the houses. Blowing down the house of straw is easy for the wolf so the mood is soft. The easy and soft mood changes with the house of straw and becomes heavy, angry and even dangerous when the wolf tries to blow down the house of brick. This activity is a learning point for children to take instructions, keep a consistent rhythm and work with others. It encourages children to enjoy making music and listening to music. Children are exposed to music and can develop musica l ability through their active engagement. Children delight in sound and rhythm (Sanwick, 1988). Drama should not be boring (Duffy, 1998). To add a sense of excitement the teacher tells an imaginative story that Mother Pig receives a letter from one of the little pigs. She has lost her reading glasses. Children are invited to read out the letter for her through role-play as the little pig. They decide for themselves and create their own story. Childrens imagination is further stretched when they discuss the character of the wolf. They compare the wolf to other wolves in Red Riding Hood and The Boy Who Cried Wolf. This activity promotes language and cognitive thinking as children learn to identify the animated characteristics of the wolf and compare one to the other and another. The original version of the story is told through a drama play. The teacher in role becomes the wolf who is brought to trial for blowing down the houses and eating the little pigs. Children field questions and demand explanations from the wolf to account for his crimes. Teacher and children work together to make a new story. This activity brings about a sense of tension and excitement. The teacher creates space for children to make their own small world play area. A number of skills can be developed in this play area. Children learn to make a finger puppet. They choose and pick materials to make their own puppets. They compare, contrast and experiment with colour, texture, lines and shapes. They acquire the skill by trial and error or copy the teachers puppets. Such mastery of judgement gives children a sense of achievement. When children play with finger puppet, the puppet becomes alive. They talk to the puppet and say what they feel. In imaginative play they experiment with the different cries the wolf make to blow down the three different houses. They become the little pigs and experiment with the different emotions the pig experience when the wolf calls. Children learn to be sociable as they listen to each other and take turns. They learn about cooperation and accepting ideas and wishes of another. Emotions are released in a healthy way as children use finger puppets to express their feelings and concerns. Language development is enhanced as they experiment with different voices and characters. We live in a time where learning is measured and tested in paper and pencil with emphasis in basic literacy and numeracy skills. We should bear in mind the importance of creativity and imagination in its own right and the positive impact of creativity and imagination on other learning areas. A curriculum that is enriched with creativity and imagination opens up avenues for children to develop skills, knowledge, attitudes and aptitudes in the present and for the future (Duffy, 1998). Children become the adults we want them to be resourceful, innovative and confident. As cited by Duffy (1998) quoting Oscar Wilde, we are raising a generation who know the price of everything and the value of nothing (p.14). (1469 words)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Film and Television Criticisms: Similarities and Differences of Male Characters Essay
Male portrayals on televisions have greatly evolved from the standard hero stereotypical illustration of primary male characters. During the entry of 21st century, masculinity among male roles have expanded and included variety of multicultural forms. In fact, the current illustration of masculinity has adapted to the liberal trends of society and even considered various facets of sexual considerations than the common romanticized absolute hero-portrayal of males. In addition, the male sexual domination against feminism is now becoming less frequent compared to the males roles of the 20th to early 21st century. Background of the Problem During the entrance of 21st century, various cultural modifications in various countries worldwide have occurred due to globalization, western influences and the decline of the concept on gender discrimination. Due to the vast liberalization on gender and influences of globalize and liberalized environment, communities, especially in United States, are now evolving the gender portrayals from conventional to a more equalized stature. As for these socio-cultural modifications, gender roles in media and entertainment are also being influenced by the shifting of idealism. In terms of male roles in entertainment, the common hero stereotypic roles implicating absolute masculinity have already diverted in accordance to the prevailing trends of the society. Since the public is now open to different variations of sexualities, male behavioral patterns and the societyââ¬â¢s awareness on multi-gender variations, roles portrayed by males in variety of television programs have been modified to more multi-faceted and diverse forms. In an effort to illustrate these conditions, three movies with different genre and cultural implications have been selected are analyzed based on the similarities and differences of male roles in the television programs of the 21st century. Discussion The Male Characters of Prison Break Prison Break (2005) is an action, thriller and drama- based television series created by Paul Scheuring with the primary characters, Michael Scofield (portrayed by Wentworth Miller) and Lincoln Burrows (portrayed by Dominic Purcell). The two main protagonists play the role of brothers who aimed at escaping the prison penalty before Lincoln faces his trial of execution penalty due to the false accusation of murdering the vice-president, Terence Steadman. The two characters are hindered by the antagonist group called, The Company; although, despite of the trials and obstacles beneath the prison walls of Fox River State Penitentiary, the brothers are able to save themselves from the grasps of the covert agents of the said group. Prison Break is one of the best male role portrayals in the television series as of 21st century. From the given overview, the brothers are confronted by the issues of their past and the accusations made against Scofieldââ¬â¢s brother, Lincoln. Three of the most notable strengths of the brothers are (1) brotherly bond to each other, (2) Scofieldââ¬â¢s expertise in construction engineering and Lincolnââ¬â¢s genius skills, and (3) their comrades who are also escapees of the prison. Meanwhile, most weaknesses observed among the brothers are sometimes (1) their immediate concern to their comrades ending to self-risks, and (2) frequent conflicting plans and misunderstandings. Despite of these strengths and weaknesses, the brothers are motivated to escape the prison and live the free status that they are supposed to possess. Schofield already considers the little or zero possibility of uplifting the verdict to his brother; hence, both of them hope to escape the grasps of their chasers and live out of the claws of their enemies. The roles of the two characters are portrayed in a masculine sense where the sensitive attachments as brothers are very much evident. From the physical features and role portrayed by the brothers, each role manifests a sense of interdependency with each other. The Male Characters of Danteââ¬â¢s Cove Danteââ¬â¢s Cove (2005) is another film oriented to a horror and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) genres created by Michael Costanza with gay couple, Gregory Michael and Charlie David, as the primary characters of the series. The television program is another face of the male role portrayals that are liberally being introduced to the public in the 21st century. The gay sexual orientation of males is one of the considerations to the vastly evolving male culturalism in the film industry, which essentially provide a different course depiction of male portrayal. In the story, Kevin (portrayed by Gregory Michael) is a formerly discreet bisexual who happened to fall in love with his seasonal buddy, Toby (Charlie David) who actually works as a bartender in a haunted hotel at Danteââ¬â¢s Cove. During the middle section of the first season, Kevin is able to realize what he wants and decides to leave his prosperous life with his mother and discriminating father-in-law to live in with Toby at Danteââ¬â¢s Cove. Upon Kevinââ¬â¢s arrival to the area, he is confronted by various premonitions from the warlock antagonists, Ambrosius Vallin (portrayed by William Gregory Lee). In the story, Kevin has accidentally freed the warlock by a simple kiss from the prison-enchantments of another antagonizing character, Grace Neville (portrayed by Tracy Scoggins) ââ¬â the witch of Danteââ¬â¢s cove. By freeing Ambrosius from his prison, he sets out to hunt his so-called destined lover in the persona of Kevin. Meanwhile, being the former lover of Ambrosius, Grace hunts the love of Ambrosius (Kevin) in order to avenge herself from the warlockââ¬â¢s betrayal of her love 50 years ago. The couple is now confronted by the immense witchcraft of the two members of high-orders. The task of the Kevin and Toby is to maintain their emotions to each other despite of the efforts of the two antagonists in breaking their relationship apart. From the given overview, the strengths of the primary characters present in the film are the (1) emotional bonds to each other despite of gender issues and (2) the aid coming from their comrades from the cove. However, certain weaknesses observed in their male portrayal are (1) their fragility against lies, (2) gaysââ¬â¢ stereotypes of polygamous nature, and (3) the emotional set backs that occur between the two. Meanwhile, some of the observed motivational behaviors present in the two primary characters are their attachments to one another and the supporting atmosphere they obtain from their bisexual and lesbian friends. Throughout the film, Toby and Kevin hope to finally obtain peace with their ideal form of gay relationship; however, the greatest fear confronting the two is their separation from one another. Despite of their gender similarities and the moral-culturally considered taboo, the couple has evidently established their ideal perspective of gay relationship while maintaining the external nature of their masculine behaviors. The Male Characters of Heroes Heroes (September 25, 2006) is a drama, science fiction television series created by Tim Kring with his primary character, Peter Petrelli (portrayed by Milo Ventimiglia). The story revolves in the discreet existence of evolved human beings capable of using unnatural powers inherent within their genetic structures. Each evolved superhuman possess either destructive or supportive form of unique abilities. The main antagonist, Sylar (portrayed by Zachary Quinto), is an evolved form capable of absorbing the powers of other superhumans by actually devouring their brains. Sylar moves with his intent of capturing the key to his immortality with the power of the Cheerleader, Claire Bennet (portrayed by Hayden Panettiere). Unlike Sylar, Peter Petrelli possesses the unique ability of absorbing oneââ¬â¢s power by simply getting near towards these people. Unfortunately, he enters in without recognition in his skill and unable to manipulate the absorbed powers at his will. Peter is confronted by the complex task of saving his kind from the deadly virus released by a group of individuals who wants their kind annihilated. The science fiction film revolves in the lives of various complicating lives of different characters of the film; however, the concentration of tasks and the primary role as the hero is vested in the character of Peter Petrelli. In terms of his strengths as the male role of the film, he possesses (1) distinct and non-replicable skill of obtaining oneââ¬â¢s ability in the simplest way, and (2) comrades that are also equipped with unique abilities. Meanwhile, despite of the heroic character of Peter, his identity in the film is surrounded by critical weaknesses that serve as his primary obstacles prior to achieving his goal of defeating his antagonists. Some of these identified weaknesses are (1) his incapacity to control his powers and abilities at his will, (2) his fragile emotions when it comes to his brother Nathan Petrelli and his loved ones, (3) unable to recognize his own potential, and (4) his fear towards his own abilities. Meanwhile, despite of the weaknesses of his character, Peter is motivated by lost of his brother, Nathan, the death of his loved ones, and the abduction of his girl during his travel in the future. Out of these obstacles and discouragements, Peter still hopes to rescue his girl and his brother from their circumstances; however, he is still confronted by the fear of the destruction he can cause and fear of loosing his love ones in his own hands. Conclusion: Analysis of the Three Chosen T. V Programs In analysis of the male character portrayals from the three chosen television programs, particularly Prison Break, Danteââ¬â¢s Cove and Heroes, there are certain similarities and differences observed among the characters of the said programs. In consideration of similarities, Prison Breakââ¬â¢s brothers ââ¬â Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows ââ¬â depict the anti-heroic roles in terms of the storylineââ¬â¢s plot. The masculine sides of the brothers are further exemplified by their complex relationships involving a different sense of heroic act compared to the conventional heroic roles of male portrayals in the past. Meanwhile, Danteââ¬â¢s cove similarities in Prison Break is its ironic male roles of anti-masculine portrayal in terms of sexual orientations in the film wherein Kevin and Toby are confronted by the issues of saving their queer relationship being confronted by the horrifying witchcraft of the antagonists. Lastly, Peter Petrelli of Heroes is more similar to Prison Breakââ¬â¢s brotherly linkage as with his brother, Nathan Petrelli, who is very much emphasized in the plot of Peterââ¬â¢s journey. In terms of the character similarities, the primary male roles of the said three television programs have already diverted to a different heroic stereotype common in the 20th century film plots. Meanwhile, in terms of the differences showed by the three primary male roles, each possesses differences in relation to the use of multi-culturalism components, gender portrayals, and defining characters of masculinity. As for Prison Break, the brothers are confronted by the emerging complexities of brotherly conditions. In a cultural sense, Prison Break illustrates the conventional role of brotherly affection; however, gender concerns might suggest the questionable bonds of brothers. In addition to cultural components, the nature of their role as prison breakers even distort the 20th century heroic male roles, such as the romanticism influenced-heroes. In Danteââ¬â¢s Cove, the male roles of Kevin and Toby are confronted by issues of cultural liberalization in terms of their illustration of free manly affection, which is actually considered non-manly by cultural norms. However, as for the film and the definition of masculinity, Danteââ¬â¢s Cove is able to raise the concept of manliness in a more behavioral sense than with sexual choices or preferences. Obviously different from the two male portrayals of Prison Breakââ¬â¢s brothers and Heroes Peter Petrelli, Danteââ¬â¢s Cove couples have altered the components off masculinity by portraying it outside the common stereotypes of male film roles. Lastly, the character of Peter Petrelli in his diverse heroic role in Heroes has actually portrayed a fragile heroic role. Initially with his low self-compliance and belief in his capacities, his masculinity is confronted by a weaker illustration of identity, which is another diversion from the usual romanticism heroic view. In conclusion, as of 21st century, male roles in television programs have indeed evolved to more complex and diverse heroic portrayals.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Persuasion Essay
Jane Austin explores the character Anne Elliot, a 27- year-old unappreciated and self-sacrificing woman dealing with the emotional consequences of a returned love that she had been persuaded to reject in marriage seven years earlier. Austin exposes Anne as a timid and self-sacrificing character, her emotions and thoughts internalized and her presence dismissed by those around her.As the heroine of the novel Student's values are conveyed through Anne, displaying her distaste to aristocracy and preference to meritocracy, the challenge of enders and the convenience and social rules In acceptance to marriage, the rejection of these conventions displayed through Student's use of Irony and satire throughout the novel.The film ââ¬ËPersuasion' by Adrian Sherwood (2007) however sees a storyline that falls to grasp these concepts displaying a storyline that Is exaggerated and dramatic, focusing almost solely on the love story, often resulting In a film adaptation of Anne Elliot who wanders slantingly from the novels original character who displays little to no character development.The Anne of the novel Is often isolated, particularly in regard to her emotional state, contrasting greatly to Shareholders film adaptation where Anne is seen to be sharing her upset and feeling more openly. In the novel, Wentworth return is not accompanied by a debrief with Lady Russell where Anne expresses her distress and panic, rather, Austin displays her emotion through isolation and lack of communication with others, conveyed to the reader through narration rather than dialogue.Anne is adapted to a film audience to clearly display her state of mind and current emotion as to ensure that ere reactions to certain situations are obvious, for example, the various scenes where Anne looks directly into the camera, connecting directly with the audience to show the devastation she is experiencing, pushing the emotion to solidify the facts of her distress that may have been previously missed.Th is results in an Anne that is much more dramatic and has heightened emotion in great comparison to the submissive and overly polite nature of Anne in the novel, who shies away from expressing herself to such an extent that when Anne can't contain her emotion from Wentworth letter ND is seen to impact on her appearance, she is only thought to be sick.Sherwood abandons the social conventions of the 19th century setting to produce a film that is unrealistic and untrue to the situations Anne experiences In the novel. Jane Student's Anne Elliot undergoes character development throughout the novel and experiences transformation, symbolizes by her change In appearance toward the end of the novel as she begins to ââ¬Ëbloom' once again, her nature becoming more assertive and confident.Student's end result In Anne Is one that Is not seen wealth the film as there Is no growth or development Incorporated, her appearance only seen hanged as she arrives at Excellency with Captain Wentworth, he r hair styled differently and her dress a brighter color, suggesting that she Is happier and changed only as a result of Wentworth love, supporting the sole focus of the film to be the romantic plotting.Persuasion Essay By manhole's genders and the convenience and social rules in acceptance to marriage, the rejection of these conventions displayed through Student's use of irony and satire storyline that fails to grasp these concepts displaying a storyline that is exaggerated and dramatic, focusing almost solely on the love story, often resulting in a film adaptation of Anne Elliot who wanders significantly from the novel's original character who displays little to no character development.The Anne of the novel is film that is unrealistic and untrue to the situations Anne experiences in the novel. And experiences transformation, symbolizes by her change in appearance toward assertive and confident. Student's end result in Anne is one that is not seen within the film as there is no gr owth or development incorporated, her appearance only seen differently and her dress a brighter color, suggesting that she is happier and
Friday, November 8, 2019
Mansa Musa Essay Example
Mansa Musa Essay Example Mansa Musa Essay Mansa Musa Essay Because of IM, we stayed strong for almost two hundred years. Mans MUSM always wanted the best for his kingdom, and had to make sacrifices along the way to get It where It Is today. Mans MUSM filled the criteria of a leader perfectly, If not better than prior leaders such as Sundials. When Sundials died, Mans MUSM, a skilled military leader, took over and expanded Mall greatly. He appointed governors to rule the provinces that he had taken over. These governors ruled fairly and efficiently under Mans Musss rule. This shows how Mans MUSM deeply cared about the lives of his clansman, and made sure all areas of his kingdom were fairly ruled over. He built mosques in Timeout, an important trading city, which attracted numerous Muslims that helped the kingdom of Mali prosper. It attracted judges, doctors, religious leaders, and scholars. This just goes to show you how skillful he was, and how he skillfully attracted important people to his kingdom. When Mans MUSM decided to go on his hajj to Mecca, he had it all planned out. He wanted this trip to be unforgettable, and to give others around the world a reason to come to Mali. He brought sixty thousand people with him, 500 being slaves. He also brought 100 camels, and in total, 192,000 ounces of gold. In no way was he shy about his surplus of gold, for showing off his riches was the point of the trip. One of his most famous stops along the way was when he went to Cairo and gave away so much gold, Cairo suffered a horrible inflation period where their money was basically worthless, and didnt get their money system back to normal for about ten years. By showing off the gold, and handing showering the lands he passed with it, it made others want more, and made them want to come to Mali, instead of him having to cross the Sahara to get to them. Even though he took gold from his people, it was used for the better. Because of this trip counterclaiming Mali and its surplus of gold, mapmakers started showing Mali on their maps, and more traders started braving the cruel weather of the Sahara to go to Mali. Also we got a more efficient trade route. Along with this, Muslim schools and architecture started to be built In Mall, bringing a more concrete education and religion to the kingdom. Overall, Mans MUSM gambled his position as ruler over Mali by making the trip across the Sahara to Mecca. By doing this, he lost followers, but also gained more respect from his even more devoted citizens. He united his kingdom, attracted Europeans and other provinces to Mall for trade, and In the long run, saved money and the lives of those who would have had to do that trip numerous times Just to trade. He made the smart decision to spend lots of money to take one trip, then a good amount of money numerous times Just to trade every so often with neighboring kingdoms. Mans MUSM made history by taking this pilgrimage, and got his kingdom on several maps seen my thousands of people. For some, teen may De Electroplates Tanat Mans MUSM Detracted teen, Duty Tort ten rest of us, we thank him for his bold move, and talent in advertising for making Mali not just one of several kingdoms of Africa, but a well recognized, and prosperous kingdom of Africa.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
roman empire essays
roman empire essays The Romans have had almost every type of government there is. They've had a kingdom, a republic, a dictatorship, and an empire. Their democracy would be the basis for most modern democracies. The people have always been involved with and loved their government, no matter what kind it was. They loved being involved in the government, and making decisions concerning everyone. In general, the Romans were very power-hungry. This might be explained by the myth that they are descended from Romulus, who's father was Mars, the god of war. Their government loving tendencies have caused many, many civil wars. After type of government, the change has been made with a civil war. There have also been many civil wars between rulers. But it all boils down to wanting to be involved in government. When the Greeks finally entered Troy after ten long years of siege, a man named Aeneas escaped the city with his father, Anchises, and his son, Ascanius. They went to Mt. Ida, where they were to meet Aeneas' wife, Creusa, but she never showed up. Saddened, Aeneas acquired a boat and sailed around the Mediterranean. He bounced around from Asia Minor to Greece to Crete looking for a place to found a new Troy, but he couldn't find a satisfactory place. As told by Homer in the Aeneid, Aeneas was cared for by the gods. Venus, in particular, was very worried about him. She asked Jupiter, king of the gods about him, and he said this: "Since you are so consumed with anxiety for Aeneas, I shall turn forward far The hidden pages of fate and speak of the future. He shall conduct a great campaign for you. And conquer all Italy and its haughty peoples. He shall impose laws on his own people. And build walled cities for them; the third summer Shall see him rule in Latium, the third winter Of warfare see the Rutulians [an Italian tribe] subdued. But his son Ascanius... It is he who shall consolidate your power-For thirty years with all their turning months; Then...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Impact of technology on Business Communication Essay
Impact of technology on Business Communication - Essay Example In fact, prospective clients or customers will be better impressed knowing they are dealing with businesses that have good business technology tools rather than one with out-dated resources. Business communication also involves internal contact and technology has also greatly improved this aspect in many organizations. With this, messages can be sent electronically instead of raising internal memos, which has a possibility of being missed when staffs are not informed. Managers travelling frequently can also keep in touch with the employees regularly and thus, obtain updates or resolve issues in an instant. Indeed, technology has allowed for a faster and more efficient way of business dealing. The creation of company websites and the availability of search engines mean businesses are at the advantage of reaching out to far more audiences, both internal and external parties, with the necessary information about the company, as well as its products and services. Of course, the benefits of technology are only apparent when users are ethical. Otherwise, it can do more harm than good.
Friday, November 1, 2019
DEEP Blue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
DEEP Blue - Essay Example Until the 1870s numerous African-American immigrant workers as well as wanderers, who were mostly male, crossed the South. The unidentified bluesman that Handy portrayed most probably travelled from one plantation to the next across the Delta, with a guitar in search of work. This allegation of mobility widened the American scenery and extended the African-American practice; consequently, ââ¬Å"setting the arena for the development of the country blues.â⬠A lot can be learnt concerning the association between migration and formation of identity by evaluating the purpose of the blues, particularly Muddy Watersââ¬â¢ recordings. It took place in the turbulent period of changeover in the history of African-American. For the bluesman, Waters assembled the society, invoked up secure spaces between the strange urban landscapes, and helped those who accompanied him from the Delta in reorganizing their home, their past, and their personality (Palmer 72). His lyrics brightly dealt with the matters that tackled both the pre-migrant as well as post-migrant mind. According to Houston A. Baker, the blues ââ¬Å"comprise a mixture that seems forever to have been in movement in America- for all time becoming, transforming, shaping, and dislocating the strange incidents of Africans in the fresh World.â⬠Bakerââ¬â¢s exclusive explanation entails then, that the blues tune that enclosed the Delta in the twentieth century indicated the African-American country experience even as the blues that cheered up Chicagoââ¬â¢s South area after the migration indicated the African-American city experience. Jones backs this thought, asserting, ââ¬Å"The most significant Negro music of any period will be a precise manifestation of who the Negro is. It will be a portrayal of the American Negro at that a given time.â⬠A number of historians query the legality of the blues that drifted to the urban North.
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